(Participation at the affiliate level does not constitute PBP membership)

Vaccine Partners

Physician Business Partners (PBP) has partnered with vaccine manufacturers since 2001 to provide physicians access to contracted pricing for pediatric vaccines.
The collective purchasing power of PBP along with our vaccine contract partner, Children’s Hospital Association, continues to provide physicians and physician groups upfront discounts from all of our vaccine contracts with the following manufacturers: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Medimune, Merck Vaccines, Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines and Sanofi Vaccines.

What differentiates our contract offerings from others in the market includes:
  • All vaccines introduced to the market are automatically added to our contracts.
  • Along with our contract partner, Children’s Hospital Association (CHA), we provide a 75% share back every six months of all manufacturer administrative service fees to the practices based on that six month's net sales.
We continually evaluate contracting opportunities with all vaccine manufacturers. With the changes in the vaccine market of new products and new manufacturers we will always try to partner with groups and for products that are important to your groups.

PBP Insider Newsletter

The network provides all affiliate-level participants with a periodic (one per month) email updating everyone on PBP activities. Updates may include information about new or changing business partners, upcoming educational events and other news throughout the network.
Affiliate-level is available to all pediatricians, family practitioners, internal medicine specialists and OB/GYN's and there is no fee to participate at the Affiliate level.